From the GitHub release page:
This is CircuitPython 8.0.0-beta.4, a beta release for 8.0.0. It is relatively stable, but there will be further additions and fixes before final release.
WARNING: The flash partitioning for 2MB and 4MB flash ESP32 and ESP32-C3 boards has changed since 8.0.0-beta.2. When you load 8.0.0-beta.3 or later over beta.2 (or vice versa), on these boards, CIRCUITPY will be erased and reformatted.
WARNING: The flash partitioning for the Raspberry Pi Pico W has changed since 8.0.0-beta.1. When you load 8.0.0-beta.2 or later over beta.1 (or vice versa), on the Pico W, CIRCUITPY will be erased and reformatted.
Notable changes since 8.0.0-beta.3

ESP32-C3 builds now work again.
Raspberry Pi Pico W can act as a server, and can use static IP addresses.

Notable changes to 8.0.0 since 7.3.0
Functionality additions

Added WiFi workflow with browser-based device discovery, filesystem browsing, upload, download, file editing, serial/REPL connection (available only on Espressif for now).
Added a one-line status bar, which … // Read more: original article.

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