How is computing taught around the globe? Our brand-new, free issue of Hello World, out today, paints a picture for you. It features stories from over 20 countries, where educators, researchers, and volunteers share their work and their personal challenges and joys in bringing computing education to their part of the world.

Global exchange in a worldwide community

In Hello World issue 23, you’ll hear about countries where computing is an official school subject and how it was set up that way, and you’ll hear about countries that are newer to computing education and working to fast-track their students’ learning.

Ethel Tshukudu’s article on her research using the CAPE framework is a fascinating comparison of computer science education in four African countries

Iliana Ramirez describes how volunteers are at the heart of Ciberistas, a technology training programme for young people in Mexico

Matthew Griffin’s article highlights how computing education works in Canada, a large country … // Read more: original article.

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