The yak are taking up too much damn space. I like them, might herbivores willing to do hard work at altitude, but I don’t have the extra tiles to give them on the lower slopes of this mountain. I could put down more pastures, but it would involve uprooting a significant part of my population.
I’m starting to understand that even the lowlanders might need to learn to live higher up, while I dedicate the more fertile area to resource production. I need to put down some barley fields to get people some ale. At least the need to protect everyone from avalanches means I have the foresters required to provide trees that will get turned into charcoal.
Building this high up, using small patches of suitable land, is a challenge. I need plenty of carts and a lot of artisans to move things around and it’s getting harder to find opportunities to increase efficiency. But as long as my monetary flow is positive, there’s still some space to expand into.
Laysara: Summit Kingdom i… (read more)

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