It doesn’t really have to be a collar for a dog. This project could enhance all sorts of costumes for all sorts of animals, including humans. Here’s more from Stephanie’s project:I’ve been playing around with hardware for the past year. Mainly, I’ve been interested in making little, useless things that flash and glow all colors of the rainbow with LEDs. I’m not super interested in using hardware for home automation or for real practical uses, really. For me, working with hardware is where I can be silly and indulge my child-like wonder. I like creating art or fashionable things whose only purpose is to bring a little joy to those around me (& myself).
I was quite excited with it because it has a bunch of sensors (temp, light, motion, sound) AND 10 neopixels built-in. But probably the coolest thing about it is the multiple ways in which you can program … // Read more: original article.

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