Sneakers that actually sneak. Inspired by Black Panther’s nonotech silent footwear JLaservideo made these kicks. They can roll up hands free and effectively dampen sound from walking.
If you are looking to put together a functional Black Panther fit for halloween these could be a good place to start. Check it out on YouTube:
Here’s how I made some sound absorbent shoes from the Marvel movie Black Panther. These shoes use a variety of techniques to absorb sound allowing the user to walk without making hardly a sound.
The shoes include foam and soundboard to help dampen impact and distribute the weight, as well as a some aerogel nanotech insulation to help absorb even more sound. The shoes also feature a mechanism that lets them pop up onto the users feet simply by stepping on the soles. I also made some black panther retractable claws to go with it.
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HAPPY … // Read more: original article.

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