Ever wondered what lurks at the bottom of your garden at night, or which furry friends are visiting the school playground once all the children have gone home?
Using a Raspberry Pi and camera, along with Google’s Vision API, is a cheap but effective way to capture some excellent close-ups of foxes, birds, mice, squirrels and badgers, and to tweet the results.
This article first appeared in The MagPi 71 and was written by Jody Carter
Using Google’s Vision API makes it really easy to get AI to classify our own images. We’ll install and set up some motion detection, link to our Vision API, and then tweet the picture if there’s a bird in it. It’s assumed you are using a new Raspbian installation on your Raspberry Pi and you have your Pi camera set up (whichever model you’re using). You will also need a Twitter account and a Google account to … // Read more: original article.

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